I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Ergonomics and Safety Lab and the Neurorehabilitation Informatics Research Group at the University of Utah. My current work involves the joint collaboration of three professor Dr.Andrew Merryweather, Dr.Keith Lohse and Dr.Tucker Hermans. My passions include solving unique problems with machine learning and using my skills to help those with disabilities. My current research includes investigating user intent to reach, direction of reaching and cancellation of reach intent. I am also investigating the spectral slope created by 1/f noise in the power spectral density in EEG. I plan to use this research to help those with Spinal Cord Injury and others with mobility limitations to determine intent for reaching in real-time.
PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2020
University of Utah
Masters in Mechanical Engineering, 2019
University of Utah
Masters in Biomechanics and Movement Science, 2012
University of Delaware
Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering, 2010
University of Delaware
Machine Learning and Data Science
Machine Learning and Data Science
Design of Experiments and Graduate Level Statistics
Neurooscillations correlated with reaching activities
Making life accessible for others.
Data Mining video games through deep learning
Factorial Tensile Strength Investigation of 3D Printed Parts
Using Labview and Laplace Transforms to Measure Risk of Power Tools
Collaborating with Occupational Therapist to 3D Scan and Print Prosthetic Thumb
Collaborating with Physical Therapist to 3D Print Soft Insoles for Stability in the Ankle
From 3D Scan to Digital Human to Neck Brace